Who would suppose a dryad in a laburnum
Accusing over a privet hedge? Or the woman
Who asks me the way and stared deep in my eyes
As though reading an autocue in them?
But we have entered
The country of short afternoons where every angle
Is filled with intense implication. Brickwork is pertinent,
Sycamore leaves
The wind scrapes widdershins over the pavement
Are freighted with dangerous meaning, a world
At your two-timing feet and its secret truth on the tip
Of your tongue. In the sky
A vapour trail is a pipe-cleaner metamorphosing
Into a papery silver birch limb, changing
Into a spoilage into the lake of darkness,
Sun knowing sudden
Disgrace as it falls from the arms of the tree of heaven.
And then the silver,
Black and too purple
Frieze is under vindictive construction,
Wind in its element again
Of Chaos and old night. So faces
That dip after work into pubs on the Holloway Road
Are electrical, tripped
Into such sudden transparency,
Into such lit significance there is reason
To fear and cherish, to huddle and talk excitedly,
Naming each others’ names, since faces
Are offered once only, says the wind,
And the singable circumstance is being alive.
Collection of the Artist |